Version 7.0.5446 release date 28 January 2025
For GIS platform compatibility see pre-requisites. This version is good for ArcGIS Pro 3.3, but note this version does NOT support ArcGIS Pro 3.4 - that is coming soon. This release should NOT be used for QGIS or MapInfo.
Added support for ArcGIS Pro 3.3.
Other changes to be documented soon.
Version 7.0.5084 release date 13 December 2023
For GIS platform compatibility see pre-requisites. This version is good for QGIS, MapInfo, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro 3.1, but note this version does NOT support ArcGIS Pro 3.2/3.3 - that is coming soon.
#429 improvements to the gazetteer tool in QGIS.
#427 improved behaviour of ViewMultipleBypassMissingFeatureCheck=1 so that it skips both the check and the showing of a dialogue (previously it was still executing the check)
#423 improved the 'show record in map' behaviour in ArcGIS Pro to achieve the zoom in one step (previously it zoomed in two steps which, was not a pleasant user experience)
#418 fixed bug where GIS Export could fail or partially fail with long text fields in ArcGIS Pro.
#415 resolved issue where MapLink toolbar was undocked for every new session in ArcGIS Desktop.
Version 7.0.4984 release date 24 August 2023
This version is good for ArcGIS Pro, but should not be used with QGIS, MapInfo, or ArcGIS Desktop.
Resolved minor issues in v7.0.4962 and v7.0.4974:
#413 ensure QGIS identify map tools use exact intersect.
#298 resolved various issues with MapLink for ArcGIS Pro.
Version 7.0.4974 release date 18 August 2023
For GIS platform compatibility see pre-requisites. This version should not be used with QGIS.
Resolved minor issues in v7.0.4962:
#408 resolved problems with copying & pasting from non-MapLink vector layers in ArcGIS Pro.
#407 resolve problem with GIS export not working in ArcGIS Pro.
#388 and #385 resolved problems with map templates and copy & merge in MapInfo.
#245 resolved problems with AllowMultiPart encountered in 7.0.4962.
Version 7.0.4962 release date 02 August 2023
This version is good for QGIS, but should not be used with MapInfo or ArcGIS.
#(multiple) Added support for ArcGIS Pro, with documentation here.
#395 Resolved issue where MapLink for ArcGIS Desktop was not compatible with ESRI Image Service layers.
#376 Improved the feature selection tools in QGIS with a new "Boundary select" tool.
#(multiple) Full integration with LibraryLink 5 implemented in QGIS, ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro.
#245 Introduced new INI configuration setting AllowMultiPart= to control whether or not multi-part geometries are permitted to be saved.
Version 6.4.4239 release date 24 August 2021
NB also hotfix files for 32-bit MapInfo released 22/03/2022.
For GIS platform compatibility see pre-requisites.
#(multiple) Added support for MapInfo 2019 (64-bit) with documentation here.
#348 Resolved issue where WFS layers couldn't be used with MapLink for QGIS.
#339 Added support for ArcGIS 10.8.
#334 Resolved issue where new features and edits sometimes didn't save correctly in MapLink for MapInfo.
#86 Added map markers for ArcGIS Mini Gazetteer when panning/zooming to a location
Version 6.3.4009 release date 7 January 2021
For GIS platform compatibility see pre-requisites.
#319 Fixed bug where MaxRecsInEditSession was not respected in QGIS.
#307 Removed direct editing of database layers (menu commands) from ArcGIS as these had proved confusing and were not needed.
#276 Fixed bug where AssemblyResolve event handler caused a stack overflow in CMSi targeting .Net 4.8.
#274 Fixed bug where the "Create database record" operation (when enabled for a layer) caused a crash in QGIS in some circumstances.
#269 Compatibility with LibraryLink version 4.3.
#253 Compatibility with QGIS 3.10 (LTR).
#251 Added support for QGIS user profiles.
#250 Enabled saving of circular/curved features created with QGIS 3's native editing tools (which use CompoundCurve and CircularString types). Features are segmentized on saving through MapLink.
#249 Fixed bug where the GIS export functionality in HBSMR was not working with QGIS.
#239 Confirmed that QGIS 3's capability to have multiple map windows is compatible with MapLink.
#238 Clarified licensing of the MapLink QGIS plug-in in line with QGIS licensing terms.
#229 Fixed bug where MapLink for QGIS was incorrectly case-sensitive on the record primary key string value.
#136 Compatibility with ArcGIS 10.7. NB not 10.8 in this release.
#134 Fixed the "Advanced" button for MapInfo, meaning the workspace can now be reliably opened in full MapInfo Professional when desired.
#127 Fixed bug where ShowGazetteer=1 ini setting had no effect in MapLink for MapInfo.
Version 6.2.3631 release date 9th January 2020
For GIS platform compatibility see pre-requisites.
#243 QGIS: merged About and Help buttons on MapLink toolbar to reduce confusion between "i" icons.
#233 ArcGIS: resolved issue where spaces at end of lines in xgArcAppsEdit.ini resulted in read-only layers.
#230 MapInfo: resolved issue where "Set Active Record" tool didn't update the details in the status bar.
#220 QGIS: resolved issue where MapLink could cause problems with data layers that required authenticated access to PostGIS.
#215 ArcGIS & HBSMR: resolved issue where record lock (xgLockedBy) was not released on remaining features when one of a set of linked feature was deleted (the error was in the xg_map_504.accdb wrapper).
#203 QGIS: permitted boolean INI settings to be set with "Yes"/"No" and "True"/"False" as well as 1/0 (to match the other GIS platforms). e.g. AllowMultiple=Yes.
#174 QGIS: permitted launching QGIS with command-line arguments, using new INI setting QgisCommandLineArguments.
#166 QGIS: resolved issue where GIS export failed in "Group Layers" configuration.
#163 Enabled storage of multiple geometry columns in the geometry table, without impacting on MapLink behaviour. Precise implementation of e.g. SimplifiedGeom fields to be determined in HBSMR/CAMS/CMSi.
#142 QGIS: now compatible with QGIS 3.4 LTR.
#141 MapInfo: resolved issue where the MapLink importer could offset record key to MI_PRINX values when records contained CrLf.
#122 Group Layers can now be made individually read-only. E.g. with layer MapLayer_SSSI=SSSIUnit we can now set ReadOnly_SSSI=Yes.
#97 LibraryLink tool with LibraryLink v4.* can now operate on the "geotagged media layer" as well as on application linked layers. But see documentation about specific version limitations.
Version 6.1.3349 release date 11th March 2019
For GIS platform compatibility see pre-requisites.
#138 Implemented System and User environment variables in settings for paths under the [MapModule] section.
#126 Resolved a bug in ArcGIS and QGIS which prevented a new edit session starting after deleting a feature from the same UID.
#125 Corrected bug in QGIS where HBSMR/CAMS would freeze if spatial data in primary data tables was missing.
#123 Resolved issue affecting QGIS where hidden unselected features were not restored after saving the map and reloading.
#121 Added "Refresh SQL Database Layers" button to refresh data on linked layers.
#116 Resolved issue in MapInfo where creating a feature from WKT wouldn't refresh the map to zoom and show the feature.
#115 Fixed issue affecting MapInfo where refreshing the map redrew the layer but did not check for new SQL features to draw.
#113 Fixed issue affecting ArcGIS where MapLink was unable to create geometries from WKT where geometry is missing.
#111 Fixed issue affecting MapInfo where the MapLink layer would not be switched on in the map automatically if the layer name in the INI file did not match the casing of the layer name in the workspace.
#110 Corrected a bug in ArcGIS behind the updating of spatial indexes when new features are created that fall outside the bounds of an existing index.
#109 Corrected the button icons in MapInfo for zooming in/out on the layout and the map while viewing a Template (previously the wrong way around).
#108 Fixed issue in MapInfo when viewing compound features on the map in CAMS.
#104 Resolved issue with installer not uninstalling when QGIS MapLink is installed without ArcGIS components on a machine with ArcGIS.
#98 MapLink is now compatible with ArcGIS 10.6.
#96 Resolved issue affecting ArcGIS where "Fetch from GIS" in HBSMR would fail if the value contained an apostrophe.
#95 Resolved issue affecting MapInfo where the automatic zoom scale was far too small when using the easting/northing method in the Gazetteer tool.
#94 MapLink can now work with 32-bit CAMS and 64-bit HBSMR on the same machine.
#93 MapLink is now compatible with QGIS 2.18.20-26.
#92 Resolved issue in 64-bit installer that could leave cause error "INI folder '' does not exist".
#91 Resolved error in QGIS where non-linked layers in linked groups prevented multi-user editing for the linked-group.
#90 Improved the "Display Database Record" dialogue (when more than feature is found) to show the additional configured MapField1, MapField2 etc.
#89 Added multi-layer selection tools to the MapLink toolbar.
#88 Massive performance improvement in MapInfo when showing database records for large selections of map features, e.g. from 15 minutes (before) to 15 seconds (now) for a selection of around 1,500 map features.
#85 Fixed issue with MapInfo setting incorrect xgGeometryType for MultiPolygons.
#84 Fixed issue with MapInfo where region objects were imported as collections.
#83 Resolved issue affecting ArcGIS and CAMS where maps in Crystal Reports could not be generated at scales larger than 1:3800.
#82 Resolved issue affecting MapInfo where type-specific symbol styles were not applied when multiple features created.
#81 Fixed issue with MapInfo where info tool would display random record details when using the info tool on different records with the info dialog open.
#80 Standardised messaging across ArcGIS, MapInfo and QGIS when viewing multiple records on the map where 1 or more have no spatial data.
#79 Changed Gazetteers module for MapInfo to use cached TAB layers, with a "Refresh" capability.
#77 Resolved issue affecting MapInfo where the mapper would not resize correctly on exiting a Template.
#76 Added new "Zoom to" function in the ArcGIS "Mini Gazetteer". This pans and zooms to show the selected feature, using the configured MaxZoom value to limit zoom. We also changed "Go to" to "Move to" (pans the map without zooming).
#73 Fixed issue affecting MapInfo where "MIF export/import" option is missing on import dialogue when UI scaling is not 100%.
#72 Resolved issue affecting MapInfo where viewing a layer which is currently not visible did not respect the style override status.
#71 Resolved issue affecting ArcGIS where an empty layer in a group would prevent other layers to not draw wthout panning or refreshing.
#69 Fixed issue affecting MapInfo where edits to multi-part features belonging to multiple records could result in an error on attempting to save edits.
#68 Resolved issue affecting MapInfo where edits to existing features in Group Layers are not saved.
#67 Fixed bug (affecting MapInfo only) where creating addition geometries for an existing multipoint feature could result in deleting of the point(s).
#66 Resolved issue in ArcGIS where the temporary editing layers could be created within an existing layer group, if the group container was selected before starting multi-user editing.
#65 Creation of circular string and circular string by radius in QGIS is now supported.
#64 Fixed issue where a GIS export with QGIS could result in the exported layer(s) being added to the map document twice.
#63 Resolved issue in QGIS where switching on a MapLink layer switched on all layers in a grandparent group (it should only operate on the parent group).
#62 Fixed issue where edits to a selection of multiple features could be lost if the features belonging to the "active record" were not edited.
#60 Resolved issue in QGIS where editing features related to multiple UIDs doesn't save unless it is the active record.
#58 Improved messaging to users on starting editing sessions in QGIS, and allowed user to Cancel if they started an editing session by accident.
#57 Fixed issue where "Update selected records" button in QGIS could hang HBSMR.
#56 Resolved issue affecting ArcGIS where "Show selection" option for hiding features from the selected layer affected all other linked layers.
#53 Resolved issue affecting MapInfo where on saving an invalid geometry such as a self-intersecting polygon MapLink would correct the geometry but leave the xgGeometryType value NULL.
#52 Improved circle select dialogue in ArcGIS to include units of measurement.
#51 Improved behaviour of ArcGIS "Mini Gazetteer" to show hourglass while searching and keep the form open after a "go to" operation.
#49 Resolved issue affecting ArcGIS where if MaxZoom was set to a number of metres (or map units) the resulting map width was double what was specified.
#48 Fixed issue in MapInfo where records do not save when PromptToKeepNewObject is set to 1 in the .ini file.
#41 Fixed issue where the installer repair option wiped some registry values.
#28 Added support for MapLink SQL Server layers in the ArcGIS "Mini Gazetteer", as described here.
Version 6.0.2781 released 14th August 2017
Released with HBSMR and CAMS. Awaiting testing with PACS and CMSi.
Compatible with QGIS 2.14.7 (and higher minor versions). ArcGIS 9.3.1 through to 10.5. MapInfo 7.0 through to 15 (32-bit version).
#39 Made changes to MapLink start-up method to overcome ArcGIS stalling problem observed on one production site.
#38 Corrected issues where ArcGIS editing templates didn't respect layer symbology for SQL Server MapLink layers.
#37 Improved behaviour in QGIS when a MapLink session is started after configuration changes.
#36 Changed behaviour of "Setup map document" so it cannot appear or make automatic changes to configuration when ShowAdminTools=0.
#33 Resolved issues around the storage of symbol styles in MI_STYLE field, and fixed issues that stopped transparent polygon fills working correctly.
#32 Improved behaviour of AutoUpdateStyle=1 setting in MapInfo to behave according to documentation.
#30 Where records are locked by the current user (e.g. from a previous crashed edit session) these are no longer seen as locked in QGIS and MapInfo (now consistent with behaviour in ArcGIS).
#27 Fixed issue where the "Create database record" tool could permit creation of a record by a user who didn't have permissions to do so.
#21 Fixed issue into MapInfo 15.* where the "Change View" dialogue locked up if user changed scale then Easting or Northing.
#19 In QGIS and ArcGIS made the behaviour of the MaxRecsInEditSession setting consistent with MapInfo and documentation, i.e. limit number of distinct records (as identified by values in the MapKeyField) as opposed to the number of map features.
#17 Improved behaviour when MapInfo is closed during an edit session, so that map objects are not left locked.
#16 Introduced new configuration setting EnforceMultipartPoints=0/1 to determine whether point features are saved as multi- or single-part points in MapInfo (to ensure compatibility with QGIS where an application is using both).
#15 Fixed issue where Mi_Style was not set if the INI settings contained quotes.
#11 Fixed bug where xgCreated and xgCreatedBy fields were failing to be populated when saving combined points in MapInfo.
#10 Fixed issue where MapInfo could drop feature(s) when editing a MULTIPOINT geometry.
#5 Added new configuration property to specify the SRID for new geometries where this cannot be established by other means.
Version 6.0.2730 released 26th June 2017
Released with HBSMR, CAMS, PACS. Not used with CMSi.
- Compatible with 64-bit Office applications (#1).
- Compatible with QGIS 2.14.7 (and higher minor versions). ArcGIS 9.3.1 through to 10.5. MapInfo 7.0 through to 15 (32-bit version).
- #19 Fixed behaviour of MaxRecsInEditSession setting to restrict number of database records (as opposed to map features) in edit session (ArcGIS and QGIS).
- #18 Fixed issue in ArcGIS where saving edits to geometries belonging to records other than the active record could assign incorrect record IDs.
- #14 Prevent installation of 32-bit on top of 64-bit MapLink, or vice versa.
- #13 Fixed issue (QGIS) where if a "create record" edit session was started in the map, then aborted, HBSMR still prompted to create a new record.
- #12 Changed method of saving edits in MapInfo to improve performance.
- #9 Replaced reference to NetTopologySuite.IO.SqlServer2008 (which relied on a reference to Microsoft.SqlServer.Types 10.50) with new class incorporated into MapLinkMssql.
- #7 Fixed issue where ArcGIS MapLink was not opening the record details form after creating features from the map.
- #6 Fixed behaviour of "GIS export" in QGIS (using the QGIS plugin's joinTable method) to export the correct set of records.
- #20 Fixed issue where GIS_Import was putting wrong username in xgEditedBy / xgCreatedBy fields.
- #23 Fixed issue where MapLink left ArcGIS processes running after closing.
- #24 Fixed issue where MapLink didn't work with a virtualised MS Office installation.
- Fixed issue where Map Document configuration screen in ArcGIS could revert a value selected in a drop-down.
Version 6.0.2629 released 13th March 2017
- Released with CMSi hotfix 6, but NOT for HBSMR, CAMS, PACS.
- As 6.0.2589 with minor bug fixes.
Version 6.0.2589 released 3rd February 2017
- ArcGIS 10.5 support.
- SpatialOverlay returns geometry properties (e.g. area of intersection and total area of intersected features).
- Added DbCommandTimeout user setting to MapLink.Properties.Settings and corresponding option to OptionsViewModel. All database command use this setting for their CommandTimeout.
- ArcGIS: Geometry check uses separate AppDomain only when host application is CMSi, enhancing performance saving edits for other applications.
Version 5.0.2546 released 20th December 2016
- Compatible with ArcGIS up to 10.4.
- Resolved potential stalling when committing creation of a new feature initiated from the map.
- Corrected criterion for determining whether SQL Server spatial index needs to be re-computed following an edit session.
- New EncryptMldbs application setting controls whether *.mldb files are encrypted. The setting is saved into the *.mldb file. Old *.mldb files default to encrypted.
- All XGMapLinkArcGisExtension user configuration settings are stored in XGMapLinkArcGis.dll.config.
- ConfigurationClass upgrades pre-existing user.config files and synchronizes AppConfigurationFolder and UserConfigurationFolder settings depending on AppConfigurationFolderUpdated setting.
Version 5.0.2533 released 9th December 2016
Version 5.0.2017 released 16th July 2015